Thursday, March 17, 2005

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

O merciful God
full of compassion, long-suffering and of great pity,
make me earnestly repent,
and heartily to be sorry for all my misdoings;
make the remembrance of them so painful
that I may flee to Thee with a troubled spirit
and a contrite heart;
O merciful Lord,
visit, comfort, and relieve me;
excite in me true repentance;
give me in this world knowledge of Thy truth
and confidence in Thy mercy,
in the world to come,
life everlasting.
Strengthen me against sin,
and enable me so to perform very duty,
that whilst I live I may server Thee
in that state to which Thou hast called me;
at last, by a holy and happy death,
be delivered from the struggles and sorrows of this life,
and obtain eternal happiness,
for the sake of our Lord and Saviour,
Thy Son Jesus Christ.

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