Saturday, March 19, 2005

Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667)

Most merciful and gracious Father,
I bless and magnify Thy name
that Thou hast adopted me into the inheritance of sons,
and hast given me a portion of my elder Brother.
Thou who art the God of patience and consolation,
strengthen me that I may bear the yoke and burden of the Lord,
without any uneasy and useless murmurs,
and inneffective unwillingness.
Lord, I am unable to stand under the cross,
unable of myself,
but be Thou pleased to ease this load by fortifying my spirit,
that I may be strongest when I am weakest,
and may be able to do and suffer every thing that Thou pleasest,
through Christ Who strengtheneth me.
Let me pass through the valley of the shadow of death
with safety and peace,
with a meek spirit,
and a sense of the divine mercies,
through Jesus Christ.

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