Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Thomas Arnold (1795-1842)

O Lord,
give Thy blessing,
we pray Thee,
to our daily work,
that we may do it in faith and heartily,
as to the Lord and not unto men.
All our powers of body and mind are Thine,
and we would fain devote them to thy service.
Sanctify them,
and the work in which they are engaged;
let us not be slothful,
but fervent in spirit,
and do Thou,
O Lord,
so bless our efforts
that they may bring forth in us the fruits of true wisdom.
Teach us to seek after truth,
And enable us to gain it;
but grant that we may ever speak the truth in love;
that, while we know earthly things,
we may know Thee,
and be known by Thee,
through and in Thy Son Jesus Christ.
Give us this day Thy Holy Spirit,
that we may be Thine in body and spirit
in all our work and all our refreshments,
through Jesus Christ Thy Son,
our Lord.

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