Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Robert Nelson (1656 – 1715)

Most gracious God,
Who governest the world with infinite wisdom and goodness,
Teach me contentedly to submit to the dispensations of Thy Providence,
How contrary soever they may be to flesh and blood.
Thou knowest the surest ways of making me happy,
and art infinite in loving-kindness and mercy;
therefore let Thy blessed will in everything be my choice and satisfaction.
Let all my dangers awaken me to a careful performance of my duty;
that I may serve Thee quietly with a devout mind,
through Jesus Christ.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Mazorabic (pre 700AD)

Give strength, O Lord,
To those who seek Thee,
and continually pour into their souls the holy desire of seeking Thee;
that they who long to see Thy face
may not crave the world’s pernicious pleasure.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

George Matheson (1842 –1906)

O Thou divine Spirit that,
in all events of life,
art knocking at the door of my heart,
help me to respond to Thee.
I would not be driven blindly as the stars over their courses.
I would not be made to work out Thy will unwillingly,
to fulfil Thy law unintelligently,
to obey Thy mandates unsympathetically.
I would take the events of my life as good and perfect gifts from Thee;
I would receive even the sorrows of life as disguised gifts from Thee.
I would have my heart open at all times to receive Thee
- at morning, noon, and night;
- in spring summer, and winter.
Whether Thou comest to me in sunshine or in rain,
I would take Thee into my heart joyfully.
Thou art Thyself more than the sunshine,
Thou art Thyself compensation for the rain;
it is Thee and not Thy gifts I crave;
knock, and I shall open unto Thee.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769)

O Lord,
Thy hands have formed us,
and Thou hast sent us into this world,
that we may walk in the way that leads to heaven and Thyself,
and may find a lasting rest in Thee
Who art the Source and Centre of our souls.
Look in pity on us poor pilgrims in the narrow way;
let us not go astray,
but reach at last our true home where our Father dwells.
Guide and govern us from day to day,
and bestow on us food and strength for body and soul,
that we may journey on in peace.
Forgive us for having hitherto so often wavered or looked back,
and let us henceforward march straight on
in the way of Thy laws,
and may our last step be a safe and peaceful passage
to the arms of Thy love,
and the blessed fellowship of the saints in light.
Hear us, O Lord,
and glorify Thy name in us
that we may glorify Thee for ever and ever.